Have you ever heard about the electronic cigars but you do not know what they are made of and the mechanism with which they are working? If this has been the concern over years, then you really need to go through this article. By the time you are through with the reading of this article, and then you can be assured of getting the right information as far as the electronic cigars are concerned. It is important to note that these cigars are just the traditional ones in that they also produce the smoke that is supposed to be inhaled by the smoker. However, the technology from which they are made from is quite different. The traditional ones are made from the simple technology that involves wrapping the dry tobacco in the special paper from which it is supposed to be lit for the tobacco to be burnt. As the tobacco shall be burning, it will be able to produce the smoke that contains the nicotine that is supposed to go directly into the body. On the other hand, the e-cig uses an advanced technology in attaining the end product of vapor that is also meant to be inhaled. The following are some of the components of the electronic cigar that makes it possible for this electronic gadget to work;
- Battery
- Heater
- An electronic liquid
A battery is supposed to supply the device with the required power that will be able to enable the heater to initiate the heating process. Such batteries are made from the lithium which makes them stronger. You can therefore be able to recharge your battery as many times as you can and still rest assured that it will be serving your device for a long time. Before you begin the vaping process, you need to make sure that the battery has a charge. If the charge isn’t enough, then you will need to recharge it so as you can be assured that the whole process will go through as it is intended.
The heater plays an integral role in that without it, the device will not be able to work as it is expected. For the sake of ensuring that it is working well, all that you need to do is to ensure that the reservoir has enough liquid because the heater should not burn without the presence of the liquid. This will be able to cause the damages to the e-cig at large. This is a common feature that distinguishes the electronic cigar from the traditional one.
An electronic liquid
This is a special liquid that is extracted from the fresh and raw tobacco. It is industrially prepared and some of the additives are added into the juice so as it is able to last for long without going bad. It is then filled in the special reservoir in the e-cig so as the heater can heat it for the steam to be produced. It is this steam that is supposed to be inhaled.