When you start paying attention to how you communicate, you will realize that we have dozens of negative thoughts every day and we do not even realize how numerous they are and how bad they are. If you are truly in pursuit of health and wellness, or intend to help others achieve the essence of health and wellness, remember that you should never curse your body.
Invest in positive affirmations
Phrases like “my kidneys are no good anymore”, “I want to cut this arm off, I’m in so much pain”, “I’m just not happy anymore because of this spine”, “my intestines are useless!” – These are a few basic examples. Can you, dear reader, understand how harmful these statements are and how they cause discomfort when we read them? However, we are sure you have heard someone say some of those, or even, maybe you already have. The only way to deal with the situation is by incorporating Positive health affirmations.
Your body knows how to heal itself. He knows the ways to it. However, the body is not as autonomous as we think. It is dependable on the mental mechanism that operates according to our individuality. our positive thoughts and verbalizations create a happy and healthy atmosphere for our body to develop and recover, but do not want it to recover if you do not love it, do not respect it and do not take care of it as you should.
Do not be a victim of your thoughts
Victimization is one of the most harmful feelings for the mechanisms of the mind. Placing oneself as a victim of life, of chance, of the action of others, drastically reduces the organism’s condition of resilience. The victim is that subject who exempts himself from all responsibility for the fact and takes on a fragility, which prevents the reaction. Therefore, this condition does not favor the establishment of thoughts and positive affirmations.
Thinking about the disease, nurturing thoughts about the disease is a way of cultivating it and being stuck with it. If you spend most of your time thinking about your illness and incorporating your illness condition, you will soon be stuck in this situation. Do you agree that thought influences reality?
Examples of positive affirmations for health and wellness
To be happy you have to live for a greater purpose. Do you want to find out what your happiness level is?
- I like the foods that are best for my body.
- I love every cell in my body.
- I maintain the health and well-being of my body on all levels.
- My body has the ideal shape and I respect it.
- I balance my life between work, rest and fun.
- I turn off my mind and let my body’s intelligence do its healing work naturally.
- It is a joy and a pleasure to live another wonderful day.
- The pain does not belong to me. I am free from all pain of body and soul.
- Perfect health is my divine right and I claim it now.
- I can choose not to eat or not to drink something if I believe it is not good for me, for my body.
- I pay attention to my body and every sign of breakdown.
In the end
Knowing all this, we invite you to rethink your way of expression, leave negative thoughts behind, and replace them with actions and phrases with positive and empowering affirmations, like the ones we have seen throughout this text. If you want to go further in this direction and incorporate this philosophy into your work, get to know online training in Positive Psychology.