Roulette seems like a simple game of luck on the surface. The croupier spins the wheel, the ball drops into a numbered pocket, and you hope Lady Luck is on your side. But, experienced roulette pros don’t rely solely on chance. They use smart betting strategies, bankroll management, and other tips to maximize profits over the long run. All roulette games may look alike to casual players. But minor variations in rules and payouts separate the good from the great roulette games. Savvy pros flock to variants that give them an extra edge.
- Single zero roulette – Wheels with one green 0 pocket have a lower house edge than double zero wheels. Better odds make single zero the preferred game of pros.
- French roulette – This popular variant returns half your even money bet if the ball lands in the 0 pocket. This “la partage” rule cuts the house edge nearly in half compared to European and American roulette.
- High roller roulette – VIP games with higher limits accommodate pro players who want to bet more per spin. No betting ceilings mean pros properly bankroll and ride out natural winning and losing streaks.
- Live dealer roulette – Sharp players prefer the up-close viewing angles, professional croupiers, and authentic casino ambiance only live tables can offer.
Maximize winnings on hot streaks
Success in roulette relies heavily on opportunism. When Lady Luck grants you a hot winning streak, shrewd pros double down to maximize profits. By increasing bets aggressively during peak momentum, they multiply earnings over a short span. Bankroll management is key here. Pros only ramp up bets if they have sufficient funds to cover potential losses while their streak rides. Once the wave crests, they scale bets back to the base level to protect profits. Remaining alert and responsive to favorable current trends separates pros from novices.
Know the best bets
All bets are not created equal at the roulette table. Savvy players stick to wagers that offer the best ratio of risk to reward. For example, betting on single numbers pays handsomely at 35:1 but has low odds of hitting. The seasoned roulette vet balances these factors and targets “sweet spot” wagers.
- Split bets on two adjacent numbers pay 17:1 and win 1 in 17 spins.
- Corner bets on four adjoining numbers pay 8:1 and hit once every 8 spins.
- Line bets on six numbers return 5:1 at a decent 1 in 6 hit rate.
Pros may sprinkle in a few high-risk/reward single-number bets. But they build consistent profits by mainly focusing on the bets with math tilting slightly in their favor.
Analyze and exploit table trends
Keen attention to detail separates recreational players from pros. The best online casinos that payout analyze results at their table on the fly to detect meaningful patterns. If a section of the wheel shows bias towards certain pockets, they pounce with targeted bets. Say numbers 3, 5, 8, 10, and 12 hit frequently during a session. A pro may place split bets on 3/5 and 8/10 plus a corner bet on 3/5/8/10 to capitalize. They test perceived biases methodically while the situation remains favorable. Remaining alert to table trends helps pros earn consistent profits over time.