Purchasing insurance can be stressful. How much coverage do you purchase? Should you bundle your different insurance policies together? Who provides the best insurance at the best rates? Although you may start an online search for an insurance company, such as a search for a “Florida insurance center Fort Myers,” this might not be the first step in your process.
Agent Versus Company
Your first choice may be deciding between an insurance company that sells its own products and has dedicated agents or using an agent who sells products for a number of insurance companies. The benefit of going through an agent is that the agent compares the costs and features of multiple insurance products across companies. However, agents may not have the experience and knowledge an insurance company has, and they may not know all the features and benefits that can be purchased on each type of policy.
Referrals and Research
Your family, friends, neighbors and coworkers all carry different types of insurance. Whether you are looking for auto, homeowners, rental, boat or other liability insurance, someone you know probably has it. However, they may not have shopped around to find the best insurance. Therefore, you can ask for referrals, but you will need to do further research.
Online research will allow you to compare companies’ histories, experiences, products and reputations. You can also check the Better Business Bureau and local chamber of commerce. Look for a company with financial strength and longevity in the industry.
Coverage and Price
Pay close attention the coverage options offered in different insurance policies. Make sure you are covered for the full value of your assets and against being sued personally or as a business. Also, compare prices based on the coverage you receive. Lower prices may indicate less coverage or that the company is new to the specific industry.
Meet with prospective companies to learn about their features, such as online bill pay and 24/7 customer service, and how easy it is to do business with them. Do you feel comfortable and respected?
If you are looking for insurance, choose a company and policy that meets your needs and provides excellent service.