Omni desk, is a fully customizable desk with a lot of customization options that will allow you to make your workplace truly your own. If you were looking for a way to install a crazy six-monitor setup to be able to play, edit your photos, and check your stock prices at once, Omnidesk will let you do just that.
Stand out
Flexible desks are not new, but Omnidesk stands out because of all the modular add-ons it offers. It seems to want to be the solution to everything you want to do at your desk, from charging your phone wirelessly to upgrading your subwoofer and PC.
Get the hot money
Best of all, it doesn’t even ask for hot money. Given that similar options currently on the market cost more than a thousand dollars, Omnidesk appears to be almost stealing at an initial price of S $ 630.
There’s also a Pro model with a high base price of S $ 680, where the main difference between the two is the ergonomic curve engraved on the front edges of the desk. Omnidesk Pro has this, and it should allow you to relax your arms naturally and comfortably at the desk.
Both tables are also available in two different sizes – small (48 inches) and large (60 inches) – to better accommodate different room sizes or needs.
An Omnidesk view with dual monitor monitors, a PC with subwoofer mounts, and a headphone.
Control the length
You control the length of the table using the left control module, and the way the two cars feel smooth, quiet, and responsive. There is also a useful indicator that shows the current length that the table is low in one decimal place, so it is very accurate.
In addition, the desk can remember four custom settings, so you don’t always have to adjust it. It operates between 60 and 120cm, low enough to double as a console station. You can set up to four different lengths for faster access.
Special powder
They should also mention the top of the desk, as it is a special powder finish they was told, omni desk will work well with most mice. You’re meant to be able to use it without a mouse bed, though they think most gamers would choose to have it. Either way, it’s good to have the freedom to keep your workplace even more cluttered.